Friday 5 April 2013

Shopping trip mini album

My daughter and I like to go on shopping trips together. This particular time, (Feb 2012), we decided to go to Manchester Trafford Centre. It's about one and a half hours away normally, but because of road works it took us over 2 hours. We were booked into the Premier Inn, (just over the road), for the night which gave us two shopping sessions. The hotel was great for us - our room was perfect. We enjoyed ourselves so much that we vowed to go back when the time, (and finances!), were right. I know it will happen! When we got back I decided to immediately set to and make a mini about the event, using pictures taken with my phone. I used Tim Holtz papers which were just right for the occasion, also used my own patterned paper, (rustled up with paint and spray inks), and memorabilia from the day. This was a very quick and simple little book - I turned my photos into polaroid shots and used a really scribbled handwriting and stamping technique for my journaling straight onto the photos. I echoed the architecture of the Centre with my choice of papers and inks. Here are a few pages - there are more of the same believe me! (If anyone wants to see more just ask and I will put them up.)

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